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Calculate one or multiple bootstrap confidence intervals, given a sample of bootstrap replications.


  boot_se = NULL,
  est = NULL,
  se = NULL,
  influence = NULL,
  CI_type = "percentile",
  level = 0.95,
  B_vals = length(boot_est),
  reps = 1L,
  format = "wide",
  seed = NULL



vector of bootstrap replications of an estimator.


vector of estimated standard errors from each bootstrap replication.


numeric value of the estimate based on the original sample. Required for CI_type = "normal", CI_type = "basic", CI_type = "student", and CI_type = "bias-corrected".


numeric value of the estimated standard error based on the original sample. Required for CI_type = "student".


vector of empirical influence values for the estimator. Required for CI_type = "BCa".


Character string or vector of character strings indicating types of confidence intervals to calculate. Options are "normal", "basic", "student", "percentile" (the default), "bias-corrected", or "BCa".


numeric value between 0 and 1 for the desired coverage level, with a default of 0.95.


vector of sub-sample sizes for which to calculate confidence intervals. Setting B_vals = length(boot_est) (the default) will return bootstrap confidence intervals calculated on the full set of bootstrap replications. For B_vals < length(boot_est), confidence intervals will be calculated after sub-sampling (without replacement) the bootstrap replications.


integer value for the number of sub-sample confidence intervals to generate when B_vals < length(boot_est), with a default of reps = 1.


character string controlling the format of the output. If format = "wide" (the default), then different types of confidence intervals will be returned in separate columns. If format = "long", then confidence intervals of different types will appear on different rows of dataset. If format = "wide-list", then different types of confidence intervals will be returned in separate columns and the result will be wrapped in an unnamed list.


Single numeric value to which the random number generator seed will be set. Default is NULL, which does not set a seed.


If format = "wide", the function returns a data.frame with reps rows per entry of B_vals, where each row contains confidence intervals for one sub-sample replication.

If format = "long", the function returns a data.frame with one row for each CI_type, each replication, and each entry of B_vals, where each row contains a single confidence interval for one sub-sample replication.

If format = "wide-list", then the output will be structured as in format = "wide" but will be wrapped in an unnamed list, which makes it easier to sore the output in a tibble, and will be assigned the class "bootstrap_CIs".


Confidence intervals are calculated following the methods described in Chapter 5 of Davison and Hinkley (1997). For basic non-parametric bootstraps, the methods are nearly identical to the implementation in from the boot package.


Davison, A.C. and Hinkley, D.V. (1997). _Bootstrap Methods and Their Application_, Chapter 5. Cambridge University Press.


# generate t-distributed data
N <- 50
mu <- 2
nu <- 5
dat <- mu + rt(N, df = nu)

# create bootstrap replications
f <- \(x) {
   M = mean(x, trim = 0.1),
   SE = sd(x) / sqrt(length(x))

booties <- replicate(399, {
  sample(dat, replace = TRUE, size = N) |>

res <- f(dat)

# calculate bootstrap CIs from full set of bootstrap replicates
  boot_est = booties[1,],
  boot_se = booties[2,],
  est = res[1],
  se = res[2],
  CI_type = c("normal","basic","student","percentile","bias-corrected"),
  format = "long"
#>   bootstraps           type    lower    upper
#> 1        399         normal 1.956827 2.713912
#> 2        399          basic 1.932965 2.698004
#> 3        399        student 1.916762 2.720168
#> 4        399     percentile 1.969730 2.734769
#> 5        399 bias-corrected 1.980209 2.737876

# Calculate bias-corrected-and-accelerated CIs
inf_vals <- res[1] - sapply(seq_along(dat), \(i) f(dat[-i])[1])
  boot_est = booties[1,],
  est = res[1],
  influence = inf_vals,
  CI_type = c("percentile","bias-corrected","BCa"),
  format = "long"
#>   bootstraps           type    lower    upper
#> 1        399     percentile 1.969730 2.734769
#> 2        399 bias-corrected 1.980209 2.737876
#> 3        399            BCa 1.980209 2.737876

# calculate multiple bootstrap CIs using sub-sampling of replicates
  boot_est = booties[1,],
  boot_se = booties[2,],
  est = res[1],
  se = res[2],
  CI_type = c("normal","basic","student","percentile","bias-corrected"),
  B_vals = 199,
  reps = 4L,
  format = "long"
#>    bootstraps           type    lower    upper
#> 1         199         normal 1.980454 2.694244
#> 2         199          basic 1.950599 2.698004
#> 3         199        student 1.943938 2.704483
#> 4         199     percentile 1.969730 2.717136
#> 5         199 bias-corrected 1.980209 2.717136
#> 6         199         normal 1.971123 2.694702
#> 7         199          basic 1.962497 2.691840
#> 8         199        student 1.948314 2.704483
#> 9         199     percentile 1.975895 2.705237
#> 10        199 bias-corrected 2.002991 2.760457
#> 11        199         normal 1.947918 2.691788
#> 12        199          basic 1.920147 2.691840
#> 13        199        student 1.915225 2.720168
#> 14        199     percentile 1.975895 2.747588
#> 15        199 bias-corrected 1.961454 2.705237
#> 16        199         normal 1.940259 2.719847
#> 17        199          basic 1.920147 2.691840
#> 18        199        student 1.916762 2.704623
#> 19        199     percentile 1.975895 2.747588
#> 20        199 bias-corrected 1.961454 2.661461

# calculate multiple bootstrap CIs using sub-sampling of replicates,
# for each of several sub-sample sizes.
  boot_est = booties[1,],
  boot_se = booties[2,],
  est = res[1],
  se = res[2],
  CI_type = c("normal","basic","student","percentile"),
  B_vals = c(49,99,199),
  reps = 4L,
  format = "long"
#>    bootstraps       type    lower    upper
#> 1          49     normal 1.954279 2.756996
#> 2          49      basic 2.004221 2.686558
#> 3          49    student 1.987738 2.701393
#> 4          49 percentile 1.981176 2.663513
#> 5          49     normal 1.940103 2.700159
#> 6          49      basic 1.901757 2.641634
#> 7          49    student 1.901939 2.672398
#> 8          49 percentile 2.026100 2.765978
#> 9          49     normal 2.009940 2.709993
#> 10         49      basic 2.016382 2.664743
#> 11         49    student 2.023731 2.704483
#> 12         49 percentile 2.002991 2.651352
#> 13         49     normal 2.005915 2.723204
#> 14         49      basic 2.109050 2.691840
#> 15         49    student 2.101210 2.720485
#> 16         49 percentile 1.975895 2.558685
#> 17         99     normal 1.943855 2.668960
#> 18         99      basic 1.907278 2.654617
#> 19         99    student 1.901939 2.650926
#> 20         99 percentile 2.013117 2.760457
#> 21         99     normal 1.959127 2.709051
#> 22         99      basic 1.907278 2.686846
#> 23         99    student 1.926578 2.720168
#> 24         99 percentile 1.980888 2.760457
#> 25         99     normal 1.995844 2.670863
#> 26         99      basic 1.993127 2.655265
#> 27         99    student 1.982072 2.704483
#> 28         99 percentile 2.012469 2.674607
#> 29         99     normal 1.965503 2.729939
#> 30         99      basic 1.920147 2.746083
#> 31         99    student 1.900402 2.756335
#> 32         99 percentile 1.921651 2.747588
#> 33        199     normal 1.954786 2.688914
#> 34        199      basic 1.932965 2.686846
#> 35        199    student 1.926578 2.720168
#> 36        199 percentile 1.980888 2.734769
#> 37        199     normal 1.956729 2.736172
#> 38        199      basic 1.947668 2.746083
#> 39        199    student 1.929162 2.757393
#> 40        199 percentile 1.921651 2.720066
#> 41        199     normal 1.953180 2.728824
#> 42        199      basic 1.920147 2.720873
#> 43        199    student 1.916762 2.749270
#> 44        199 percentile 1.946861 2.747588
#> 45        199     normal 1.963244 2.708885
#> 46        199      basic 1.920147 2.691840
#> 47        199    student 1.901939 2.694993
#> 48        199 percentile 1.975895 2.747588