Extrapolate coverage and width using sub-sampled bootstrap confidence intervals.
Given a set of bootstrap confidence intervals calculated across sub-samples with different numbers of replications, extrapolates confidence interval coverage and width of bootstrap confidence intervals to a specified (larger) number of bootstraps. The function also calculates the associated Monte Carlo standard errors. The confidence interval percentage is based on how you calculated the lower and upper bounds.
B_target = Inf,
alpha = 0.05,
nested = FALSE,
format = "wide"
- data
data frame or tibble containing the simulation results.
- pvalue_subsamples
list or name of column from
containing list of confidence intervals calculated based on sub-samples with different numbers of replications.- B_target
number of bootstrap replications to which the criteria should be extrapolated, with a default of
B = Inf
.- alpha
scalar or vector indicating the nominal alpha level(s). Default value is set to the conventional .05.
- nested
logical value controlling the format of the output. If
(the default), then the results will be returned as a data frame with rows for each distinct number of bootstraps. IfTRUE
, then the results will be returned as a data frame with a single row, with each performance criterion containing a nested data frame.- format
character string controlling the format of the output when
has results for more than one type of confidence interval. If"wide"
(the default), then each performance criterion will have a separate column for each CI type. If"long"
, then each performance criterion will be a single variable, with separate rows for each CI type.
A tibble containing the number of simulation iterations, performance criteria estimate(s) and the associated MCSE.
# function to generate data from two distinct populations
dgp <- function(N_A, N_B, shape_A, scale_A, shape_B, scale_B) {
group = rep(c("A","B"), c(N_A, N_B)),
y = c(
rgamma(N_A, shape = shape_A, scale = scale_A),
rgamma(N_B, shape = shape_B, scale = scale_B)
# function to do a bootstrap t-test
estimator <- function(
B_vals = c(49,59,89,99), # number of booties to evaluate
pval_reps = 4L
) {
stat <- t.test(y ~ group, data = dat)$statistic
# create bootstrap replications under the null of no difference
boot_dat <- dat
booties <- replicate(max(B_vals), {
boot_dat$group <- sample(dat$group)
t.test(y ~ group, data = boot_dat)$statistic
# calculate multiple bootstrap p-values using sub-sampling of replicates
res <- data.frame(stat = stat)
res$pvalue_subsamples <- bootstrap_pvals(
boot_stat = booties,
stat = stat,
B_vals = B_vals,
reps = pval_reps,
enlist = TRUE
# create simulation driver
simulate_boot_pvals <- bundle_sim(
f_generate = dgp,
f_analyze = estimator
# replicate the bootstrap process
x <- simulate_boot_pvals(
reps = 50L,
N_A = 20, N_B = 25,
shape_A = 7, scale_A = 2,
shape_B = 4, scale_B = 3,
B_vals = c(49, 99, 149, 199),
pval_reps = 2L
data = x,
pvalue_subsamples = pvalue_subsamples,
B_target = 1999,
alpha = c(.01, .05, .10)
#> K_boot_rejection bootstraps boot_rej_rate_alpha_01 boot_rej_rate_alpha_05
#> 1 50 49 0.11000000 0.2800000
#> 2 50 99 0.03000000 0.2500000
#> 3 50 149 0.07000000 0.2900000
#> 4 50 199 0.04000000 0.3000000
#> 5 50 1999 0.02170504 0.2895512
#> boot_rej_rate_alpha_10 boot_rej_rate_mcse_alpha_01
#> 1 0.3900000 0.04113194
#> 2 0.4300000 0.02217739
#> 3 0.4200000 0.03502186
#> 4 0.4000000 0.02799417
#> 5 0.4233506 0.02951073
#> boot_rej_rate_mcse_alpha_05 boot_rej_rate_mcse_alpha_10
#> 1 0.05917804 0.06591584
#> 2 0.05758756 0.07000000
#> 3 0.06076049 0.07050836
#> 4 0.06546537 0.06998542
#> 5 0.06766279 0.07363925
data = x,
pvalue_subsamples = pvalue_subsamples,
B_target = Inf,
alpha = c(.01, .05, .10),
nested = TRUE
#> K_boot_rejection bootstraps
#> 1 50 49, 99, 149, 199, Inf
#> boot_rej_rate
#> 1 0.11000000, 0.03000000, 0.07000000, 0.04000000, 0.01967668, 0.28000000, 0.25000000, 0.29000000, 0.30000000, 0.29002613, 0.39000000, 0.43000000, 0.42000000, 0.40000000, 0.42401445
#> boot_rej_rate_mcse
#> 1 0.04113194, 0.02217739, 0.03502186, 0.02799417, 0.02991865, 0.05917804, 0.05758756, 0.06076049, 0.06546537, 0.06842138, 0.06591584, 0.07000000, 0.07050836, 0.06998542, 0.07402652