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Given a set of bootstrap confidence intervals calculated across sub-samples with different numbers of replications, extrapolates confidence interval coverage and width of bootstrap confidence intervals to a specified (larger) number of bootstraps. The function also calculates the associated Monte Carlo standard errors. The confidence interval percentage is based on how you calculated the lower and upper bounds.


  B_target = Inf,
  criteria = c("coverage", "width"),
  winz = Inf,
  nested = FALSE,
  format = "wide",
  width_trim = 0,
  cover_na_val = NA,
  width_na_val = NA



data frame or tibble containing the simulation results.


list or name of column from data containing list of confidence intervals calculated based on sub-samples with different numbers of replications.


vector or name of column from data containing corresponding true parameters.


number of bootstrap replications to which the criteria should be extrapolated, with a default of B = Inf.


character or character vector indicating the performance criteria to be calculated, with possible options "coverage" and "width".


numeric value for winsorization constant. If set to a finite value, estimates will be winsorized at the constant multiple of the inter-quartile range below the 25th percentile or above the 75th percentile of the distribution. For instance, setting winz = 3 will truncate estimates that fall below P25 - 3 * IQR or above P75 + 3 * IQR.


logical value controlling the format of the output. If FALSE (the default), then the results will be returned as a data frame with rows for each distinct number of bootstraps. If TRUE, then the results will be returned as a data frame with a single row, with each performance criterion containing a nested data frame.


character string controlling the format of the output when CI_subsamples has results for more than one type of confidence interval. If "wide" (the default), then each performance criterion will have a separate column for each CI type. If "long", then each performance criterion will be a single variable, with separate rows for each CI type.


numeric value specifying the trimming percentage to use when summarizing CI widths across replications from a single set of bootstraps, with a default of 0.0 (i.e., use the regular arithmetic mean).


numeric value to use for calculating coverage if bootstrap CI end-points are missing. Default is NA.


numeric value to use for calculating width if bootstrap CI end-points are missing. Default is NA.


A tibble containing the number of simulation iterations, performance criteria estimate(s) and the associated MCSE.


Boos DD, Zhang J (2000). “Monte Carlo evaluation of resampling-based hypothesis tests.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95(450), 486--492. doi:10.1080/01621459.2000.10474226 .


dgp <- function(N, mu, nu) {
  mu + rt(N, df = nu)

estimator <- function(
    B_vals = c(49,59,89,99),
    m = 4,
    trim = 0.1
) {

  # compute estimate and standard error
  N <- length(dat)
  est <- mean(dat, trim = trim)
  se <- sd(dat) / sqrt(N)

  # compute booties
  booties <- replicate(max(B_vals), {
    x <- sample(dat, size = N, replace = TRUE)
      M = mean(x, trim = trim),
      SE = sd(x) / sqrt(N)
  }, simplify = FALSE) |>

  # confidence intervals for each B_vals
  CIs <- bootstrap_CIs(
    boot_est = booties$M,
    boot_se = booties$SE,
    est = est,
    se = se,
    CI_type = c("normal","basic","student","percentile"),
    B_vals = B_vals,
    reps = m,
    format = "wide-list"

  res <- data.frame(
    est = est,
    se = se
  res$CIs <- CIs


#' build a simulation driver function
simulate_bootCIs <- bundle_sim(
  f_generate = dgp,
  f_analyze = estimator

boot_results <- simulate_bootCIs(
  reps = 80, N = 20, mu = 2, nu = 3,
  B_vals = seq(49, 149, 20),

  data = boot_results,
  CI_subsamples = CIs,
  true_param = 2
#>     K_boot_coverage bootstraps boot_coverage_normal boot_coverage_basic
#> 49               80         49             1.000000            0.975000
#> 69               80         69             0.996875            0.984375
#> 89               80         89             1.000000            0.984375
#> 109              80        109             1.000000            0.996875
#> 129              80        129             1.000000            1.000000
#> 149              80        149             1.000000            1.000000
#> Inf              80        Inf             1.000276            1.012390
#>     boot_coverage_student boot_coverage_percentile boot_coverage_mcse_normal
#> 49               0.993750                 0.984375              0.0000000000
#> 69               0.996875                 1.000000              0.0031250000
#> 89               1.000000                 0.996875              0.0000000000
#> 109              1.000000                 1.000000              0.0000000000
#> 129              1.000000                 1.000000              0.0000000000
#> 149              1.000000                 1.000000              0.0000000000
#> Inf              1.004117                 1.008974              0.0002755921
#>     boot_coverage_mcse_basic boot_coverage_mcse_student
#> 49               0.011425322                0.004391357
#> 69               0.010280625                0.003125000
#> 89               0.011201328                0.000000000
#> 109              0.003125000                0.000000000
#> 129              0.000000000                0.000000000
#> 149              0.000000000                0.000000000
#> Inf              0.006077006                0.002899379
#>     boot_coverage_mcse_percentile boot_width_normal boot_width_basic
#> 49                    0.009268915          1.245114         1.196489
#> 69                    0.000000000          1.237440         1.278346
#> 89                    0.003125000          1.243898         1.216022
#> 109                   0.000000000          1.242731         1.276201
#> 129                   0.000000000          1.244961         1.227860
#> 149                   0.000000000          1.248090         1.284844
#> Inf                   0.005301301          1.246348         1.293357
#>     boot_width_student boot_width_percentile boot_width_mcse_normal
#> 49            1.294746              1.196489             0.03971512
#> 69            1.402500              1.278346             0.03876459
#> 89            1.326687              1.216022             0.03993220
#> 109           1.404885              1.276201             0.03815378
#> 129           1.348227              1.227860             0.03936534
#> 149           1.394158              1.284844             0.03917576
#> Inf           1.421547              1.293357             0.03923332
#>     boot_width_mcse_basic boot_width_mcse_student boot_width_mcse_percentile
#> 49             0.03817230              0.04376367                 0.03817230
#> 69             0.04046026              0.04738402                 0.04046026
#> 89             0.03827794              0.04632374                 0.03827794
#> 109            0.03899069              0.04911762                 0.03899069
#> 129            0.03895437              0.04695755                 0.03895437
#> 149            0.04185961              0.04817379                 0.04185961
#> Inf            0.04187225              0.05108521                 0.04187225

  data = boot_results,
  CI_subsamples = CIs,
  true_param = 2,
  B_target = 999,
  format = "long"
#>    K_boot_coverage bootstraps    CI_type boot_coverage boot_coverage_mcse
#> 1               80         49     normal      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 2               80         69     normal      0.996875       0.0031250000
#> 3               80         89     normal      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 4               80        109     normal      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 5               80        129     normal      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 6               80        149     normal      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 7               80        999     normal      1.000207       0.0002070379
#> 8               80         49      basic      0.975000       0.0114253216
#> 9               80         69      basic      0.984375       0.0102806254
#> 10              80         89      basic      0.984375       0.0112013276
#> 11              80        109      basic      0.996875       0.0031250000
#> 12              80        129      basic      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 13              80        149      basic      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 14              80        999      basic      1.010471       0.0053018657
#> 15              80         49    student      0.993750       0.0043913573
#> 16              80         69    student      0.996875       0.0031250000
#> 17              80         89    student      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 18              80        109    student      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 19              80        129    student      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 20              80        149    student      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 21              80        999    student      1.003628       0.0025534950
#> 22              80         49 percentile      0.984375       0.0092689145
#> 23              80         69 percentile      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 24              80         89 percentile      0.996875       0.0031250000
#> 25              80        109 percentile      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 26              80        129 percentile      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 27              80        149 percentile      1.000000       0.0000000000
#> 28              80        999 percentile      1.007932       0.0046862397
#>    boot_width boot_width_mcse
#> 1    1.245114      0.03971512
#> 2    1.237440      0.03876459
#> 3    1.243898      0.03993220
#> 4    1.242731      0.03815378
#> 5    1.244961      0.03936534
#> 6    1.248090      0.03917576
#> 7    1.246120      0.03918583
#> 8    1.196489      0.03817230
#> 9    1.278346      0.04046026
#> 10   1.216022      0.03827794
#> 11   1.276201      0.03899069
#> 12   1.227860      0.03895437
#> 13   1.284844      0.04185961
#> 14   1.289335      0.04156572
#> 15   1.294746      0.04376367
#> 16   1.402500      0.04738402
#> 17   1.326687      0.04632374
#> 18   1.404885      0.04911762
#> 19   1.348227      0.04695755
#> 20   1.394158      0.04817379
#> 21   1.416410      0.05065018
#> 22   1.196489      0.03817230
#> 23   1.278346      0.04046026
#> 24   1.216022      0.03827794
#> 25   1.276201      0.03899069
#> 26   1.227860      0.03895437
#> 27   1.284844      0.04185961
#> 28   1.289335      0.04156572